Hair Removal

Facial and Body hair removal using either hard wax or Alexandria Professional Sugar.

Waxing- Hard wax exfoliates the skin and removes fine to coarse hairs easily with its mild formulation that is safe for even the most sensitive skin types. Better yet, it leaves no sticky residue!

Sugaring- An effective method of hair removal using sugar! We apply the sugar paste to your skin in the opposite direction of the hair growth and remove it following the direction of growth for gentlest extraction and best results. Our technique eliminates hair breakage, unnecessary discomfort, and ingrown hairs while exfoliating dry skin cells

Half or Full Leg ($45 - $75)
Half or Full Arm ($25 - $40)
Underarms ($20)
Back ($50+)
Stomach ($20)
Chest ($50+)
Bikini ($30)
Brazilian ($60)
Lower Face (everything below the eyes) ($45)
Eyebrows ($20)
Lips ($15)
Chin & Jaw ($15)